The project consortium includes four reputable institutions representing France, as a NATO country and Ukraine as a partner country.


Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel (Nantes, France)  is one  of the leading  laboratories

of France in Materials Sciences with over 150 researchers and support staff. The Institute carries out many research projects  and  holds  many  collaborations  with  industry in  France   and   abroad.  Fundamental  research  is  well

balanced with high technology applications in nanosciences, optical materials, renewable energy like fuel and solar cells, car batteries, photonics, smart materials, functional materials, synthetic processes, and sensor development.


B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

is one of the leading scientific centers of Ukraine in the field of low temperature physics and engineering, solid state physics, and materials science. Intellectual and technical  facilities  of the institution provide for the whole

range of activities aimed at creation of new devices and technologies, from fundamental R&D studies to commercial products. The project team of the Institute represents the scientific school of Yanson point-contact spectroscopy founded by the full member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine I.K. Yanson who was awarded the “Hewlett-Packard” European Physical Society Prize in solid state physics in 1987 and the Lisa Meitner Prize in 2008 for discovery and exploitation of Point-Contact Spectroscopy.


National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" (Kharkiv, Ukraine)    is

among the major educational and scientific centers of Ukraine. In the University, technical approaches and methods are being developed to allow creation of highly efficient   technological  processes   in  most  branches  of


V.Karazin Kharkiv National University (Kharkiv, Ukraine)   is  one  of  the   oldest   and

biggest educational and scientific centers of Ukraine. The high level of its scientific achievements is based on the long traditions supported by the highly qualified staff  of lecturers    and   researchers   with   many   world-known

persons among them.



of the NATO SPS Programme


«Selective quantum sensor for detection of CBRN agents

Executive editor: V.Gudymenko

© 2020-2022

Last updated: 12/12/2023

 in gas and liquid media»